Saying farewell to the introductory topic and launching a new set of prints. More details on these tomorrow and also that promised interface post. These are all drafted by me in Inkscape and brought straight on. I had the G drawn out months ago. Slapped a shape around it. Design isn’t my strength but you’ll be amazed at what you can do.
Above is my cat Cole modeling his new charm.

Parishioners visited and she got nice Glowforge earrings. She was the one who got me the celotex and lots of other materials. Her hubby got personalized luggage tags.
Not posting this because personal data Now obscured.
These were made with the ProofGrade walnut. It just works. It is so luscious.

Finally, these are the iterations of the charm and earrings. Lots to tell about the process. Zoom in and look at the smallest one with top hole. The top hole is minuscule. And it goes all the way back with a full barrel. Included is the swarf that looks good on its own. Wooden stamps? You bet. Redid after for strength. More on process tomorrow. Off to sleep.