Hi everyone!
I hope your summer is going well and your Glowforge is up and running in the hot weather! Here’s a quick update on another one of my small leather projects made on the Glowforge. I’ll keep this one short .
Recently, I decided to make a bi-fold leather wallet to replace my minimal one to separate my business cards from my personal ones. I like to keep myself organized and it was time to upgrade to a larger wallet to make this happen. I decided not to use the executive wallet from the Glowforge store and instead, I designed my own. I kept it very simple with straight lines and curved corners. Check out the final product in the photographs below. This bi-fold wallet has been serving me well so far and I’m sure it’ll continue doing so in the years to come!

I’m also excited that my personal collection of these red leather items is quickly growing. If you haven’t checked out my latest project, the weekend duffle bag, you can see it by clicking here.
Thank you for reading!
Tim Ung