Back in the 1980s my husband learned early math skills with the help of these plastic bears. He visualized all his elementary math homework with their help.
My kids are enjoying the same methods.

They are growing up in a completely different world than we did.

I chose 1/4 inch baltic birch ply - hoping that my grandchildren will still be counting with the plastic bears.
I had some mis-cuts - it went all the way through most of the cuts; but it isn’t proofgrade, so there is some charring where I re-cut.
A gal can never have too many clamps.

I seriously love classic game design.
I’m a sucker for old game boxes and logos.
I added the box art to the inside box because Why not?
Laser all the things.
I also made it 1/4 inch deeper, since, when all 100 bears are accounted for, it can get a bit squishy in there.

I tried to be pretty faithful to the original artist, though admittedly, I redrew the sides of the box with Futura Bold, which is a similar font to the original.
Media Materials Inc, of Baltimore doesn’t appear to be making educational helps for little kids any more. I love their groovy logo, though.

So there’s my new box, which should hopefully stand up to anything, including use as a spare booster at thanksgiving.